تحميل كتاب Developing your academic writing skills: a handbook PDF عبد الله بن محمد بن بطي ال حامد

كتاب Developing your academic writing skills: a handbook

Developing your academic writing skills: a handbook

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كتاب Developing your academic writing skills: a handbook PDF عبد الله بن محمد بن بطي ال حامد : 2016م - 1443هـ Developing your academic writing skills: a handbook This handbook offers you advice on how to approach your academic writing, especially in your transition from second to third level. We hope it will provide you with an overview of the knowledge, skills and good working practices needed to craft your academic writing. It will teach you how to apply the conventions of writing at university level; however, equally important is that you will gain the confidence to develop your own voice as an academic writer, a focus that underpins this handbook. Writing remains one of the main ways you will be assessed in University, so it is an important skill to master. As a craft, writing is a complex task in itself, but it is made all the more challenging in University due to the specialised nature of academic discourse. Writing is also an iterative process and this handbook was designed to reflect this process, divided into sections and tasks to which you can refer or return as you approach and complete the different stages of your academic writing task. This handbook thus provides advice, strategies and writing activities to help you develop your academic writing, and to feel confident in expressing your own voice in your writing. .

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